Aktuálne informácie



Projekt SMART RURAL je dva a pol ročný projekt pod záštitou E40 a podporovaný Európskou komisiou (DG AGRI).

Cieľom projektu SMART RURAL je podporiť a inšpirovať obce k rozvoju a implementácii prístupu a stratégií "smart villages - chytré obce" po celej Európe. Pomocou projektu a získaním poznatkov o aktuálnom stave obcí vo vybraných krajinách Európy, bude možné nastaviť aj opatrenia týkajúce sa "chytrých obcí - smart villages" v rámci budúcej Spoločnej poľnohospodárskej politiky. 

Prostredníctvom prihlášok sa vyberie 17 európskych obcí, ktoré dostanú poradenstvo a technickú podporu. 

5 obcí z Írska, Fínska, Francúzska, Českej Republiky a Grécka už bolo vybratých, tak budťe "chytrí" a pridajte sa k nim.

Obce, ktoré prejavia záujem sa môžu prihlásiť tu: https://form.jotformeu.com/E40/smart-rural-application do 11. mája 2020. (keďže ide o medzinárodný projekt, prihláška je v anglickom jazyku)

Viac info v dokumentoch na stiahnutie.


The ‘Smart Rural’ project is a two and a half-year project coordinated by E40 Group and supported by the European Commission (DG AGRI) with the overall aim to promote and inspire villages to develop and implement smart village approaches and strategies across Europe, and to draw conclusions and support future CAP interventions on smart villages.

17 villages are selected across Europe to receive guidance and technical support through the project. Five villages have already been selected in Ireland, Finland, France, the Czech Republic and Greece, and further 12 villages will be selected from applications, so think smart and be one of them.

Interested villages can apply through the following link: https://form.jotformeu.com/E40/smart-rural-application until 11 May 2020.

Your village/rural town is an ideal candidate if it:

  • Needs support, ideas and inspiration to become a smart village
  • Has enthusiastic leaders who are committed to develop and implement a smart village strategy
  • Has the relevant human capacity to mobilise for the smart village process
  • Would benefit from specific expert guidance to progress with village development plans
  • Ideally has some basic technical capacity, including sufficient broadband connectivity or relevant infrastructure (e.g. community spaces) – although this is not a pre-condition
  • Ideally has some initial ideas, flagship projects or planning activities done that the smart village process can build on – although this is not a pre-condition
  • Is open to knowledge exchange and cooperation with other villages and stakeholders

If you think your village/rural town is ready to undertake an exciting smart village journey, then apply to become one of the participant villages in the Smart Rural Project!

You can submit your application here: https://form.jotformeu.com/E40/smart-rural-application


Dokumenty na stiahnutie


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